Matik supports image uploads for static Dynamic Content. However, since the Dynamic Content is static, the same image will be displayed wherever it is tagged. Dynamic content that is capable of returning multiple images must return an image url to Matik, which Matik will then insert into a slide.
Image URLs exist in your data
If your data already has image URLs in it, all your dynamic content needs to do is return the image URL (and ensure "Image" is selected)
Image URLs don’t exist in your data
If you don’t have image URLs in your data, this section will talk about a workaround! You can store your images in Google Drive and do some hacking of the share URL to get the image URL. Note that this URL is slightly different than the Google Share Link.
To get started, upload your image file to Google Drive. Your sharing settings on the image will have to be set to “Anyone with the link” for Matik to be able to use the image.
Next, copy the share link:
We can’t use this directly; however, we can use this to get the file ID of the image. The file ID is the string of characters after the /d/ and before the /view in the share URL. In the URL above, the file ID is 1uDDIq-HdWrPHZkjNi6Ixdvm5QWFghlHX
Insert that ID into the following URL where the <File ID Text> is:<File ID Text>?authuser=0
In the above example, this results in:
You can now use this URL in Dynamic Content.
Usage Example
Use images as icons in stoplight and status charts like the one below. See this tutorial to learn more!
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