When using Google Drive or Office 365 with Matik, Admins can choose default save locations for generated content on the enterprise, user group, and template level. Additionally, end-users have the ability to choose a custom folder for an individual and bulk generation.
Prioritization of Default Save Locations
When multiple defaults are configured, Matik will follow this order of priority:
- Template-specific default: If the template has a default folder, it will be used first.
- User group default: If the generating user's group has a default folder, it will be used next.
- Enterprise default: If the enterprise has a default folder, it will be used if no template or group default exists.
- Matik Presentations folder: If none of the above defaults are set, the presentation will be saved to the user’s "Matik Presentations" folder in Google Drive or Office 365.
End users can manually override any defaults during the generation process by selecting a different folder.
Template Specific Save Locations
Navigate to the template and click on the ellipsis menu in the top right. Select Generation Settings.
Click on the Folder option and specify where you want presentations to be saved. Be sure to click on Update Settings when finished.
User Group Default Save Locations
If you are using user groups within Matik you can specify a folder where a specific user groups generated presentations are saved to. Note that you must be a producer admin to edit user groups and their save locations.
Go to Enterprise Settings > Groups and create or select an existing group. At the bottom of the modal window that pops up specify a save location for that group.
Enterprise Default
Set a location for your entire enterprise on Matik. Note that you must be a producer admin to edit Enterprise Settings. Go to Enterprise Settings and scroll down to Custom Folder for Generated Presentations. Specify where you want your generated presentations to save.
User Level Default - Matik Presentations Folder
If no other folders are specified, generated presentations will be located in a Matik created folder on each users Google Drive of Office 365 account called "Matik Presentations". End users can override this by specifying a custom generation location before each generation.
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