Try the AI Template Builder for free and create:
QBR One Pager
End of Year Email
The Matik AI Template Builder allows users to create custom slide templates for your company. The AI algorithm looks at a variety of publicly available information, such as your marketing information, products, and website branding. It then determines what the best metrics and insights would be best to surface in a presentation. Finally, it puts them all together into a customized and branded template for your organization.
The Matik AI Template Builder uses AI tools from our partners. See this article on managing AI features in Matik for details.
Getting Started
To pull up the AI Template Builder, navigate to the Matik Template pages and scroll down to the bottom of the screen. Click on "AI Template Builder" under the Create a New Template section.
Select the template you want to build:
Enter your Company Name and Website and click "Generate Presentation".
You will reach a loading screen. The presentation template can take a few minutes to generate, so sit back and relax for a bit.
The generated template will automatically be loaded into Matik. Review this template and make any adjustments if needed.
Finally, add dynamic content to it and share it with the rest of your organization! See the links below for more details on adding dynamic content and working with templates.
For more on editing presentation templates see Overview of Building Templates. For more on editing Mail templates see Creating Matik Mail Templates.
My template didn't populate
- This can happen when the AI can't find the information it needs to build a full template. First, check that the domain you are using for your company is accurate and directs to your marketing website. If your company's website doesn't provide high-level details on what your company does, the AI will struggle to build out a customized template and will produce a blank template.
I am stuck on the Generating Presentation screen
- The AI Template Builder will take a few minutes to generate. If a few minutes have passed, refresh your browser. If the template has been generated, you will see it amongst your templates. If you don't see it, try generating again.
All AI-powered features in Matik use GPT-4 from Open AI under the hood to provide various functionality. As specified in the Open AI API policy, any data fed into the API will not be used by Open AI except to provide the responses to the API prompts. More information can be found in the Open AI Terms of Use and Matik’s Privacy Policy. Matik does not store any data used in these features and add-ons at this time. We’ll notify our users if this changes.
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